
You Know your Clients. We Deeply Understand Them.

DeepSales supercharges your existing sales software, enabling you to compete in today’s AI sales environment.

Strengthen your sales hand with AI

Compared to your clients, you are on the back foot. They have access to more information than ever before, and there’s more competition from established and new entrants in the market.

Keeping clients has never been more challenging.

Your sales strategy has been based on relationships and the basic functionality of your sales software. Yet sales software just records data; it doesn’t analyse it. 

Your sales strategy needs another angle. It needs AI.

AI looks at your existing data and joins up the digital dots. 

Sales Action Feed

Controlling and Driving actions that maximise sales opportunity 

A dynamic, real-time stream of suggested actions tailored to your requirements ensures that critical information is not lost.


From immediate opportunities to potential risks, a sales approach is created with an AI-generated Call Script.

Reduce your time analysing data while creating unique, personalised sales strategies which are more likely to convert.

Automatic Prospect List Generation

AI-built Leads Lists from insights hidden in data silos-
We have the tech to dig them out.

Sales Commander generates dynamic lists of ‘sales next actions’, from investment opportunities to client reviews, placing focus on higher value activities.

Gives custom advisor scripts detailing the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ for each customer touch.

Prospect Profiling

Controlling and Driving actions that maximise sales opportunity 


DeepSales generates in-depth analysis of your customers which includes their purchase history, engagement level and potential value to your business.

By freeing up time for your sales staff, DeepSales allows them to focus on developing deep and meaningful relationships with their customers.

Using AI to profile each customer makes life easier for your sales staff and more profitable for your company.

Differentiate yourself with DeepSales

Forget standing out from the crowd. It’s time to outsmart them.

All sales software shares one feature: it records client data. But how useful is this data if it’s not being analysed properly?

Once DeepSales is plugged into your sales software, it analyses and enriches your data.

Predict Client Risks


DeepSales keeps abreast of client behaviour and alerts you to potential risks. For example, how often are clients interacting with your products and services? Fewer interactions may mean less interest, which can lead to churn.  

Unlock New Client Opportunities

Automatically categorises financial transactions for improved management, enhancing user experience with clear spending insights, helping in budgeting and financial planning.


Discover Sales Opportunities

DeepSales alerts you to new sales opportunities as it tracks your clients’ career progressions in real time.



Automate Cross-Selling

Deep Sales looks for cross-selling opportunities within the vast amounts of data in your sales software.

Rest assured, you are in good company

“We take recommendations very seriously as a large corporate..but I would wholeheartedly endorse Gemmo. The agility, the professionalism and the capacity to deliver on plan and in scope ..and the informative nature of the conversation is the biggest thing I'd say as an endorsement"
Cathal Foley
Chief Commercial Officer, Fexco

You’ve developed a business. Let’s start selling it.

Rolling out DeepSales is easy – Here’s Why.

Easy to Integrate

It can be integrated into most sales software quickly and seamlessly without any changes to the software.

Runs Independently

You don’t need a Data Science team to administer it.

User Friendly Platform

Intuitive and easy to use, it doesn’t require any extensive training.

Book your Demo

    Gemmo's noise classification case study with Sonitus