- Do not waste too much time trying to obtain certifications. You might end up spending quite some cash for no real added value (at least interview-wise)
- A ML engineer’s job is useful if and only if other people can interact with it. Always think of what comes before and after your model is good enough.
- Python is your best friend, but not your only friend: other languages and frameworks might serve better purposes (e.g. create interface with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, containerize your app with Docker, run fast code with C or Rust, etc.)
- Get your hands very dirty: it’s the only way to learn ML
- Pick a problem you like, “solve it” and document everything on github. It looks much better than a certificate
- Even if working alone, treat your project as a team effort: document everything, create branches when modifying your code, ensure reproducibility. Remember that to excel at ML you also need to be a good software engineer. Keep this in mind and You will be better than 99% of candidates applying for roles.