April Newsletter: Meet Gemmo AI

From the founders of Sparkd AI comes Gemmo AI. Gemmo draws inspiration from the natural processes that gems undergo, and our name symbolises the transformation of valuable data through our expert machine learning mo...

April Newsletter: Meet Gemmo AI

From the founders of Sparkd AI comes Gemmo AI.

Gemmo draws inspiration from the natural processes that gems undergo, and our name symbolises the transformation of valuable data through our expert machine learning models. Similar to the process of unearthing, polishing, and transforming gems into precious stones, data also holds untapped potential that can be transformed into valuable actions.

Gemmo‘s central mission is to become the go-to AI partner for innovative companies who want to bring action-driven automation to their business processes.

This move is more than just a fresh coat of paint. We’ve been working tirelessly to develop new cutting-edge AI solutions, toolkits, and products tailored for the sustainable food production, machinery manufacturing, and smart environmental monitoring industries. Our new website is the perfect place to get an in-depth look at our new offerings.

Join us on this new chapter of our journey and discover the gems of Gemmo AI.

Gemmo News

We’ve launched off-the-shelf solutions

Gemmo AI is here and so are a suite of brand new Gemmo AI products.

Part of our mission to become leaders in action-driven automation is the development of our new customisable API solutions.

Our API’s for audio and video labelling are incredibly easy to integrate, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes.

With these solutions, companies can plug-in our algorithms and turn their products from standard hardware in to smart devices, capable of instructing users over a sustained period of time.  

Gemmo Industries

Central to our new brand is a new focus 

The learnings we gained as Sparkd have shaped Gemmo. As Sparkd we learned exactly what we do best- a learning that has shaped the architecture of Gemmo AI. We’ve pinpointed the areas where we believe we can have the most impact. That’s why as Gemmo we are focusing our Machine Learning efforts in three core industries.

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